Wells Family Mediation, Tunbridge Wells

Using a mediation service, rather than litigating, has become increasingly popular as it can reduce the time divorce proceedings take – and the cost too – and therefore, of course, reduce stress. So meet Kent’s top private mediation practice, Wells Family Mediation.

9 February 2024Add to My FavouritesSave


Wells Family Mediation is a private mediation service based in Tunbridge Wells, with additional offices in Tonbridge, Sevenoaks, Bromley, and Kings Hill. When couples divorce or separate, decisions need to be made about property, finances, and children. Family mediation enables couples to make practical arrangements for their own future. WFM helps couples reach their own decisions for moving on, tailor-made by them for their family. 

Run by experienced and specialist family mediators, three of whom used to practice as solicitors. All four partners are FMC accredited and are qualified to offer Child-inclusive mediation.


Family mediation is an alternative to the more traditional legal approach of instructing lawyers or going to court and gives couples the chance to speak directly to each other and explain their concerns and needs in the presence of a professional mediator.

The process gives couples a safe place to resolve their differences at their own pace and leaves the decision-making to the family and not to an outsider. It is a confidential process (with some very limited exceptions) and proposals put forward in mediation cannot be referred to in legal proceedings. The friendly mediators are merely there to help facilitate couples reach their own agreement.

All mediation at WFM is child-focused, so the welfare of any child will be the most important consideration in any discussion. WFM will help you to establish a good working relationship with your partner which is an important transition process and brings benefits to the whole family.

They also offer an option where your child/children meet separately with a specially trained mediator. This is called “Child Inclusive Mediation”, giving your child/children a voice to be heard among the noise of separation.

Their Family Mediation services work well alongside advice and support from other professionals as they have good links with many local solicitors as well as pension experts, IFAs, counsellors, and those running Divorce Recovery seminars. So you’re really getting the whole package here.


Wells Family Mediation are authorised to provide the Government Voucher Scheme which offers separating couples, with a child under 18, up to £500 towards the cost of mediation. Offering face-to-face meetings in Kent and London, as well as online using Zoom. Give them a call to discuss the options available.

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Pantiles Chambers, 85 High Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1XP



01892 506906

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