Cranbrook School: Ever considered boarding at this exceptional state grammar school?
With its state school boarding option and excellent academic reputation Cranbrook School is a rather unique place. Here’s everything you need to know…

Think your child would benefit from a boarding school education but the high fees at traditional private boarding schools are too much of a barrier? Then a state boarding school in the UK may be the answer.
State boarding schools are government-funded schools that offer weekly or full boarding. The teaching and education part of the school is free but they charge fees for boarding. Making fees for a full boarder about the same cost of a normal day school place in the independent sector (see more on cost below).
Cranbrook School is a rather unique, co-educational grammar school in the heart of Kent’s glorious Wealden countryside and one of only nine selective state boarding schools in the whole of the UK (two of which are in Northern Ireland). The school is both a Day and Boarding School – with around 650 Day pupils and 250 Boarders.

New Head teacher, David Clark, has now had almost a year to settle into the role (he took over at the start of this academic year, Sept 2023), joining the school after a decade at Battle Abbey, in Sussex. Already proving popular with both pupils and parents, the general refrain is Battle Abbey’s loss is Cranbrook’s gain.
Clark has inherited a school in good shape, but he wants to evolve the school into its next phase and is unashamedly ambitious in his vision for the school. Cranbrook School, he says, intends to become the leading co-educational selective state boarding school in the UK.

Admissions at Cranbrook start in Year 7 for Day pupils, but the school takes boarders from Year 9. They need to have either a British or Irish passport or a Right of Abode. As Cranbrook School is a selective Grammar School, all candidates have to undergo testing.

They will be offering 52 boarding places for Year 9 entry in September 2024: 34 boys and 18 girls boarding places. Thinking of applying for a Year 9 boarding place? Your child will be assessed using the Cranbrook School Entrance Exam, further information of which can be requested from the Registrar. Boarding candidates will also have to undergo a Suitability for Boarding Interview.
Late applications for this September are still being accepted and for more information please contact contact Nicky Stewart-Blacker (Registrar) by email
Choosing a school for your child is exciting, but daunting. The Cranbrook Admissions team understand the emotions, practicalities and challenges faced by parents and are always extremely helpful.
School Lodge is the entrance house for boys boarding with 34 Year 9 boys coming from a wide variety of different schools. The girls boarding is split between two houses, Blubery and Scott and home to pupils from Year 9 to Year 13.
Boarders come from all over, but the majority are fairly local and often live within a 50 mile radius of the school, such as London and the South East. With the full boarding experience at Cranbrook costing the same (or even less) than the fees for most independent day Schools locally, it’s an attractive option. And boarding fees are approximately one-third of the price of boarding at other fee paying schools.
Parents looking at independents in London, Surrey, Sussex or outside the catchment in Kent – might want to consider giving their child a character-building boarding education for the price of independent school day fees.

250 boarders gives Cranbrook a rare and special dimension among grammar schools. Each of the six Houses has its own character and traditions with a dedicated House team.
Tutors visit the house daily to supervise prep time and offer additional academic or pastoral support and guidance. Boarders benefit from supervised homework time as well as increased access to the School’s resources out of class hours including SEN support.

There’s plenty of hard-fought Inter-House competitions that are testament to the attachment of pupils to their house. Boarding is popular, students benefit from having all the school’s sports facilities in the evenings and at weekends, plus the town on their doorstep.
Each House has a unique feel and established traditions, of which the boarders feel extremely proud. Inter-House competitions are enjoyable but ultimately hard-fought affairs which reflect the passion of the boarders.
Life for Cranbrook’s boarders is busy to say the least! Every student obviously has the opportunity to enjoy moments of relaxation or reflection but in the main they join together to get the very best out of their communal experience.
Weekends are especially full for our boarders. Many participate in the school’s sports programmes on Saturday mornings or afternoons. The school is strong in its extra-curricular offering – facilities include a Performing Arts Centre and the Queen’s Hall Theatre, a local community theatre located in the heart of the school, which is where Cranbrook pupils put on curricular and co-curricular performances.

There’s a combined total of 320 students in the Lower & Upper Sixth and a dedicated Sixth Form Centre. The top facilities, combined with impressive academic results and a bespoke Cranbrook Diploma Programme, make Year 12 a sought-after entry point for new students.
Sport is very popular here and there are always lots of fixtures taking place after school or at weekends which keep the boarders busy, (hockey match taking place in front of Cornwalls boarding house, below).

There’s also a large Library, Sixth Form Centre, Sports Hall, Astro, outdoor swimming pool, CCF shooting range and the Sellers Observatory. Appropriately this is named after Old Cranbrookian and NASA astronaut Dr Piers Sellers OBE.
State boarding schools are relatively cheap – mostly somewhere between £12,000-£18,000 a year – when compared to fees at private secondary schools which tend to start around £40,000 per year for full boarding. Parents are only charged for costs relating to board and meals because tuition is government funded as it is for all pupils at state schools.
If you would like to visit and see the school first hand, there are dedicated open days which are planned throughout the year. The next Boarding Open Morning is Wed 19 June, 8.45am – 11.00am.
Visit the school’s Open Events page for more info and to book your place, click here.
Of course, for prospective boarding parents it may be easier to visit independently, particularly when travelling from overseas, and the school can organise individual tours on request. Prospective boarding parents should call 01580 711804 and speak to the Registrar, Nicky Stewart-Blacker to arrange a visit during term time.
If you have further questions or wish to discuss the admissions process, the Admissions Team (Nicky Stewart-Blacker and Joy Henson), will be only too happy to talk through options and can be contacted on 01580 711804 or please email
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